Thursday, June 21, 2007

They call me... Shika

So, a couple of weeks ago I was getting gas, and the attendant who was taking care of me busted out some English.  It was good.  I was impressed.  I tried using what little Japanese I knew in exchange, and he gave me the pitty compliment "Oh, your Japanese is very good." (Which UNIVERSALLY means, "you suck, but I`m polite" in Japan). 
I just ran into him again, about 5 minutes ago, at the community center where I am using the computer.  I looked over at him and said, "Oh, hello!"  About two or three seconds later he got the Gestalt look and said, Oh hello, back.  He asked me how I was or something like that, I told him I had just taught at Fukuroda Elementary School, which by the way went really really well, and we had some nice polite chit chat.  When he went to go, I extended my hand and my name.  This really surprised him... me offering to introduce myself and form an aquaintence with him.  In Japan, the line between the customer and the employee is ironclad and vast.  From what I understand, the principle extends to your fellow employees and whatnot.  Your work friends are your friends at work and NOT outside.
So, me bridging the gap and connecting with him meant more than it would in America, I think.  He told me his name, and when I repeated it to him to make sure I got it right, he said, "Please, call me Shika."  I could tell he thought it was cool, and so did I.  He works at the gas station where I go all the time, so I`m sure to see him again.  Maybe I can hang out with him again some time, we`ll see.

This has been a random Japan moment with Josh.  Tune in next time for... "Prices of various fried goods after mark-down hour at the Ecos" 
Christ Keep You All <{><

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