Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The Final Exam

This test will be comprised of
4 parts
And will require you to respond
On several subjects.
Please respond honestly
and thoroughly.

Is language more than words?
What makes man unique?
Are we.. unique?
Do you have a soul, yes YOU?
Why do we fight wars?
Can one man make a difference?
If yes, please explain.
Please use whole concepts.
Please do not summarize.
Please give original opinions.

Does education improve a man?
Can virtue be taught?
What is wrong with the world?
Is the answer to the previous question,
"I am."?
Again, please use whole concepts.

If its so easy to fall in love,
How do we calcitrate our hearts
to resist it?
What is a defense mechanism?
Where do babies come from.. really?
Is an angel reading this over your
shoulder, right.. now?
Is there a God?
What does He think of sex?
What do you think of it?
Do you think those two views differ?

Multiple Choice:
If you were to drop dead after
Reading this sentence,
And you appeared before God
the next moment,
Would you demand He account for every
Injustice in the world and
Discomfort in your life,
Would the weight of His glory
Lead you to spontaneously confess
Would the weight of glory
Cripple your tongue
And would Beauty Himself blind you..
And would you whimper,

1 comment:

KayCee said...

Wow! I can't believe no one commented on this yet. I LOVE this poem! I am saving it and may even post it on Facebook. I guess you're in seminary now -- or done. You need to get published, Josh. And just so you don't think I'm stalking you or anything, I am a 50-year-old Christian lady and you could be my grandson. ;)