Saturday, May 5, 2007

...and I quote...

My friend and next door neighbor Steven Wagner, aka Shirokuma, ie White Bear, fellow English teacher, fellow Georgian in exile, and a man of fine character and whit, has many a time lifted my spirits with his humor. On one such occasion as we were discussing the many affable quirks of Nippon while walking back with groceries, two dudes on very effeminate and rinky looking motorcycles drove by. I commented that they were not very "cool" as bikes went, and Steven offered this as a rebuttal.

"No, dude, they`re cool, you see. You just don`t understand cause you`re not from here. Somehow, the notion of being macho in Japan has managed to incorporate freshly tweezed eyebrows."

Point and Match. Well played Mr. Wagner. Well played.

1 comment:

Dwight said...

you had better get to tweezing