Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Dancing Bear`s Log - Day three of Elementary School Teaching

Today I taught at Elementary school for the third time.  Four classes  back to back.  What a ringer.  They went really well, though.  The kids had a lot of fun, and that`s about 85% of what I`m there for.
Speaking of segues...
Someone asked me if I had found myself a Japanese girl yet.  And I answer:
I don`t think I would even want a Christian Japanese girlfriend/wife.  For the rest of our relationship she`d constantly be pulled from home... cause I sure as heck ain`t tying myself down to the island of Japan for the rest of my life just so her grandparents get to pinch the super-fat babies.  I may, don`t get me wrong, but she`d have to be pretty darn special.  I`m keeping my options open.  If I marry an American girl, we both have our families in America, and can launch out to anywhere else.  I`ve thought about this.
My friend also mentioned that when she was in Japan, she felt like she was living a long vacation or someone else`s life.  I concur.  Its neat and all, but I just have to ask myself... Do I want a cush job for the rest of my life?  The pay is ok, and compared to the `strain` pshaw, please, I could do this with my eyes closed and both hands and a foot tied behind my back while walking a tightrope wire and chewing gum laced with plastic explosives as I play Johnny Mathis on a harmonica using my nostrils in progressively different keys cause its a slide harmonica and I`m changing keys with my ears.  Really.  Its that easy. 
And I`ve never even heard Johnny Mathis.
But, I need to do something a bit more challenging with my brain and my heart, and I long to be in a place where Christ can use me to feed people.  Maybe child and adolescent psychology/ministry.  I love kids, but I prefer the smaller group interactions and one on one time the most.  Teaching can be fun, but I prefer searching things out with people, rather than trying to help them learn one particular thing.  We shall see.
Well everybody,
Until we meet again
On this blessed shore or the next,
Christ Keep You

1 comment:

Dwight said...

The funniest concept in that post was that you+japanese lady &= (somehow equals) super-fat babies

and no, I'm not questioning your virility...